Monday, March 21, 2016


I was in awe and amazement as I watched the Publix GA marathon winner zoom right pass me.  I wondered what is it that gives someone the strength to run 26.2 miles straight with lightning speed without even a slight hint of exhaustion.  Then I looked in his eyes and I could see the focus, the dedication, and the determination.  He was in the “zone” and nothing and no one could get in his way.  If you really want it, whatever “it” is you can do it.  It’s all in your mind.  #changeyourmind.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


I just love the cool weather.  The days are becoming shorter and the nights longer. Fall is here and winter is just around the corner. Staying active during the cool months will not only help you maintain your weight but will also keep you strong and better able to fight the cold and flu season.   Exercising can also chase those winter blues away.  Winter is not the time to skip on your workouts but you do want to be smart about it.   

Here are some tips for exercising and staying healthy during the cooler months:

Layer - Whether you are working out outdoors or in, it’s a good idea to layer your clothing.  This way you can remove a layer when you start to get hot and you can put it back on when you get cold. I start with a tank top then layer a t-shirt on top and finish with a jacket that I can easily tie around my waist once I take it off.  I also keep plenty of gloves, hats, and earmuffs at my disposal to protect my hands, ears, and head and I wear thicker socks for my feet (buy your shoes ½ size larger).

Stay dry – When I say #GetUncomfortable being wet and cold is not exactly what I’m talking about.  Going out in the cold while wet can be downright dangerous to your health if your body loses too much heat.   For this reason I always keep an extra set of workout clothes in my car to change into after a tough workout.  

Be Noticed  - Wear reflective clothing if you are going to be outdoors.   Many of the active clothes I purchase nowadays have some type of reflective element already on them.  But I admit I don’t pay much attention to that when I make a purchase.  For that reason I also have a reflective vest just in case I need it.  Lately while driving, I’ve seen people running with lights flashing on their foreheads.  Not my thing but it definitely got my attention.  You want to be seen in the dark.

Protect yourself – Wash your hands and wash them often and wash them well.  Get your flu shot. Drink lots of fluids.  Get your sleep. Stay away from processed junk foods.  Instead Use your crockpot and experiment with healthy soups and chilies. 

Be prepared – I keep a throw blanket in my car during the winter along with a flashlight, phone charger, some trail mix, bottled water and a cup…Hey who can forget Atlanta’s 2014 Snowpocalyspe!  Other suggestions are a battery-operated radio, booster cables, and matches.

Get uncomfortable – Yes it’s cold, it may be dark and you probably won’t feel like it but come to class anyway. 

Trust me you’ll be glad you did.



Bfit Athletic Club LLC


Tuesday, June 2, 2015


As hard as I try, there are times when I don’t quite practice what I preach.  Yes I admit it I’m not perfect. My biggest weakness is with getting my recommended number of hours of sleep.  My sleep number is 7, give or take an hour depending on the circumstances.  How do I know this?  Well I know my body and when it functions best.  With 7 hours of sleep I wake up feeling refreshed, and like most individuals, after a good nights sleep I am more mentally alert and better focused, I perform better and my body looks healthier, 7 just works for me.   

As hard as I try over and over I miss my mark for many reasons.  Some beyond my control but most of the time the fault is all mine.  For one I’m a procrastinator so I end up working on something well into the evening, another reason is because I’m a night owl which does not fit my early morning schedule but mainly it’s because I’m like a kid in a candy store when it comes to life, wanting to try everything and afraid I’ll miss out on something.  Who needs sleep anyway?  You can sleep when you’re dead right? 


Along with eating healthy and exercising, sleep is a key component to a healthy lifestyle.  As far as getting adequate sleep, the recommended amount of hours for an average adult is between 7-9.  Get to know your body and what works for you and try to stick to that number.  But be careful, too much sleep can be just as bad as too little.

Since I miss my mark many nights I make sure I take a midday nap but nothing beats a good night’s sleep so I’m incorporating ways to improve my numbers. 

Here are some suggestions that may help you sleep better:

1.     Create a bedtime ritual and follow it daily.
2.     Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on your days off.
3.     Avoid caffeine and spicy foods close to bedtime and cut off eating a few hours before you go to sleep.
4.     Turn off computer, TV, social media or any other highly stimulating activity before bedtime.
5.     Use room darkening curtains or shades.
6.     Eat your lightest meal in the evening.
7.     Read, meditate, or take a relaxing bath, listen to soothing music or any other activity that relaxes you.
8.     Record TV shows to watch at a later date.

Sleep does a body good.  It is a crucial component in living a healthy lifestyle.  Turn of that TV, get off the phone, close that laptop and GET SOME SLEEP!

CrossFit L1

Bfit Athletic Club LLC, we’re not a gym, we’re a lifestyle.  Come join us and see for yourself what everyone is talking about.  Call 770-845-0527 about our summer special and get start on your transformation today! Great people, great fun, great results.

Monday, April 6, 2015


Wow!  When I reflect on my health and fitness journey I realized I’ve come a long way.   Many of the beliefs I held about health and fitness a few years back have changed drastically and thankfully for the better.  Bye-bye to my cute little five-pound weights (It was hard to say goodbye), happily replaced by kettlebells and barbells (well not all that hard) and gone are the days when cardio ruled my world.

One of the biggest changes I made over the years was with my nutrition.  It was a slow process and it wasn’t always easy, but it was definitely worth it.   There was a time when I wasn’t so educated about food and our food industry that I would say that my diet was what I would now consider to be sub-par.  I had no idea what “whole foods” were.  My typical breakfast would consist of a chicken biscuit with a big glass of OJ.  I can’t believe I ate like that!  No wonder I was crashing and burning by mid morning.

Now I know better so I do better.  I know that what I put in my mouth directly reflects on my health and how I look and feel.  So I eat more whole foods.  Whole foods are foods that are in their most natural state or minimally processed, i.e. fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes, whole grains, lean meats and fish. 

For the month of April, we will focus on eating whole foods.  Click the link to checkout our Registered and Licensed Dietitian, Dhana Blissett’s blog: Wholesome Breakfast Ideas.  Dhana gives nutrition tips about our most important meal of the day and provides guidance on what to eat to get your day off to a great start.

Go ahead, eat the whole thing!

Come join us at Bfit Athletic Club.  We’re not a gym we’re a lifestyle. 

Call me about our Spring Special but hurry only a few spots left!  770.845.0527.

Commit to Bfit

Nancy Smith
CrossFit L1

Monday, March 30, 2015


Many people have asked me about the name Bfit Athletic Club.  Well I have to admit it was not my first choice but I’m glad I chose the name because it is the best choice for what I represent.  The “B” stands for “BALANCE” and this is what I believe being fit is all about. It’s about finding that balance in everything you do so that you are able to live a full life.  Part of finding balance is taking care of you so that everything else CAN fall into place. Taking time get your mind right, exercising, eating mindfully and getting enough sleep keeps you strong and able to face anything that comes your way.

I chose “Athletic Club” because I wanted a place where people of like minds can come together to workout and support each other in their fitness journeys.  By participating in various sporting activities, I want to show others that working out and getting in shape doesn’t have to be boring or painful.  Of course you have to make a commitment and yes you have to do the work and no it’s not always easy but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the process.

This is my vision for Bfit Athletic Club.  If you're looking for balance in your life then start with your health.  Make a commitment to yourself. Come join our team and start your journey.

CALL ME ABOUT OUR SPRING SPECIAL (new members), 770-845-0527.  1940 Parker Ct. Stone Mountain, GA.

Nancy Smith
CrossFit L1

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


I confess, until recently I was not an early morning exerciser. It was tough for me to pull myself out of my nice comfortable bed, especially when it’s still cold and dark outside.  My body can feel stiffer (not claiming old age lol) in the morning and it does take me a little longer to warm-up, but I’ve adjusted and I have to say that early morning workouts definitely have their advantages.

First of all, you’re more likely to get it done. Working out first thing in the morning before you begin your busy day is the best way to guarantee that no scheduling conflict causes you to miss it.  Also, you may train harder.  If you workout in a group, you will find that the morning fitness crowd can be the most dedicated and focused group of people to workout with.  These are the people who get up religiously before sunrise to train so yes they are serious about their fitness, which can in turn push you to do your best. Then there’s that feel good effect that you get from a great workout that starts your morning out just right and can last throughout the rest of your day.  

Now although I like working out in the early morning, I must admit that sometimes it can be tough to get out of bed and get going, especially if I had a late night.  So to make my life and my mornings flow much smoother, I have my morning process down to a fine art.  From what I am going to wear to where I put my car keys, everything is planned and packed so nothing gets missed; especially my workout.

If you would like to exercise in the morning, here are my suggestions to help you be successful:

1) Get your sleep. Set a cutoff time for all activity so you can wind down and get in the bed; this includes social media and the TV in your bedroom.
2) Record your favorite TV shows and watch them at a later date.
3) Go to bed and get up at the same time everyday.
4) Lay your clothes out, prepare your breakfast, lunch, etc. the night before or earlier.
5) Have your car keys, watch, phone, etc. together in one place so you’re ready to grab and go.
6) Ask your accountability partner to text you or text your accountability partner in the morning as soon as you wake up.
7) Make sure you have plenty of gas in your car so you don’t have to make any unnecessary stops.

So let’s WAKE UP people.  The best commitment you can make to yourself and your loved ones is to take care of your body.  Commit to Bfit. 

We can help you get started. Our first class starts at 5:30AM. Call me for our Spring Green special, 770-845-0527. 1940 Parker Court, Stone Mountain.

The best way to start your day! 

Nancy Smith
Bfit Athletic Club LLC